Contributing to our database is easy! Our current database worksheet has 15 existing data points (separated by columns) for every guru entry (separated by rows) categorized over 10 different industries/sectors (separated by sheets).
Data Points (Columns)
Picture, Name & Surname, Date of Birth, Nationality, Alleged Profits, Alleged Net Worth, Red Flags, Positives, Insider Insights, Product Name, Assets Taught (For Trading gurus), Price for Full Course, Alleged Story, Website, and Youtube Channel.
Industries/Sectors (Sheets)
Trading, E-Commerce, Business, Mindset, Fitness, Yoga, Bodybuilding, Real Estate, Dating, and Spiritual.
To ensure consistency and organization, please observe the following formatting guidelines when contributing new information to our database worksheet:
Adding a New Guru
Before adding a new guru, make sure to check the database for an existing entry. Hit CTRL+H (on a Windows PC) or CMD+SHIFT+H (on a Mac) and type in the name of the guru you’d like to add. Make sure Search → All Sheets is selected, then click Find.
• If there’s an existing entry: Head to the existing row for your guru and review the information that’s already there. Got new information? Add your new information under the relevant column category.
• If there’s NO existing entry: You’ll find a list of sheets at the bottom of the database worksheet. Head to the relevant industry or sector sheet for your new guru input. In the next empty row, add a picture of the new guru in the first column. Add corresponding information about the guru under the appropriate column categories in the same row.
Adding New Information
To add new data point information to existing gurus:
👉 Navigate to the relevant guru’s row or entry.
👉 Review the existing information under the appropriate data point column to make sure your contribution is an original addition.
👉 Double-click on the cell for your information’s appropriate data point column (e.g. “Product Name”) to add your new information.
👉 If the appropriate data point for your new information does not exist, you may add a new column for your data point in Row 1.
Basic Ground Rules
⛔ Do not delete existing information in the cell or any information written by other contributors. If your new information contradicts existing data in the cell, simply add your new information, and our QA team will take care of verifying contributions and resolving discrepancies.
⛔ Do not add inaccurate, false, or misleading information to the database worksheet.
⛔ Do not advertise, spam, or include irrelevant inputs in the database worksheet.